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Dachau Concentration Camp

April 30, 1945 MSs, three prisoners eating; in BG lies a corpse of prisoner. MCU, Jewish women prisoners including a fifteen year old Jewish girl. MCU, Jewish women prisoners speak with male prisoners thru holes cut in fence. LSs, Jewish women peer thru fence holes. CUs, faces of male Jewish prisoners. (Excellent composition) MSs, prisoners mill about camp grounds after release. (Men wear prison garb) HS, LS from guard tower with MG gun in FG, camp grounds, barracks. CUs, extremely emaciated male prisoners. One bares his chest for photographer. Seq: Maj Edward A. Jesser, Jr, US officer and the Prince of Luxembourg walk to center of camp and speak to prisoners. Jesser is with Lux. Military Mission, 12th Army Group. LSs, MSs, bodies heaped upon railroad cars at RR siding. CUs, faces and emmaciated bodies of dead Jewish prisoners. INTs, crematorium, stack of naked bodies. EXTs, huge pile of prison uniforms and other types of clothing removed from dead. CU, railroad car filled with bodies of Jewish victims. MSs, CUs, United Nations flags fly over liberated camp. Included are flags of France, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, England and US. (LIB 6119) April 27, 1945 CUs, MSs, infantrymen of 45th Div - 157th Regt enter outskirts of Dachau. Soldier fires. CUs, liberated Dachau prisoner with "X" attacks German soldier.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1000190
  • Unedited.
  • Dachau, Germany
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