Reich exhibition; Goering in Athens; German-Americans protest in NYC
05:07:09 Title: "Die erste grosse Ausstellung des Reichsnaehrstandes. Reichsminister Darre eroeffnet in Erfurt die riesige Schau der deutschen Landvolks." Erfurt, Germany. Reichsnaehrstand-Ausstellung (Reich exhibition and festival on social and moral position of the farmer within the German Volk). Darre speaks. LS fairgrounds and activities. Exhibition sites with machines, animals, breeding cattle and horses. "Blut und Boden" sign. Swastika with two wheat stalks. 05:08:38 Title: "Helden der Wissenschaft. Die deutschen Hoehenforscher Dr. Ing. Schrenck und Viktor Masuch stuerzten mit dem Ballon "Bartsch von Sigsfeld" bei Sebesch an der russisch-lettischen Grenz toedlich ab." Russian-Lettische border. Place where the German heights researcher Dr. Schrenck and Viktor Masuch experienced a deadly accident/crash. The balloon, car. Russian aid, views of the crash. Transferring the corpses out of the rail station in Sebesch. 05:09:27 Title: "Ministerpraesident Goering in Griechenland. Im klassischen Stadion zur Athen bei der 40 Jahrfeier der Olympischen Spiele. In Begleitung des Minister der griechische Aussenminister Maximos." Goering in Athens at 40th anniversary of Olympics (according to BA info, but may actually be the 38th anniversary). Goering's arrival at the stadium accompanied by the Greek minister of foreign affairs Maximos. Athletes dressed in costumes resembling ancient times, marching. 05:10:23 Title: "25000 Deutsch-Amerikaner protestieren gegen den Boykott deutscher Waren. Die gewaltige Kundgebund im Madison Square Garden in New York" New York, Protest demonstration of 25,000 German Americans against the boycott of German goods. Speaker in German proclaims: "The American people want peace with the German people. The Jews are disturbing the peace..." Swastika in BG. Crowd hisses in support.
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