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Wounded Soviet troops; partisans working; German POWs

Titles: "Soviet Newsreel / 20 / Moscow / March 9, 1942 / Directed by M. Fidelevoy"/ "To work with strengthened determination" Long pan across factory workers feeding large furnaces. Workers are silhouettes, backlit by furnaces. Pan stops, lingers on one group of workers. Coverage from different angles. Close view of furnace. Cuts between CUs of various workers shoveling and CU of furnace. 01:30:23 LS of airfield, gathering of soldiers and pilots. MS soldiers/officers shaking hands with pilots. LS airplane being started and taking off. Close views of propellers. Title: 01:31:17 "The homeland awards its heroes" LS two wounded Soviets in hospital beds. CU soldier smiling, cut back to LS. Official enters frame and presents soldier with award. Cuts between CUs of soldier and official. MS of nurse and doctor congratulating soldier. Titles: 01:32:08 "In settlement L (?)" ELS of partisans gathered as officer reads message allowed. MSs of officer awarding partisans. Tracking MS of woman partisan, having been awarded, walking back to join ranks of predominantly male partisans. Titles: 01:33:37 "Film reporting from the front-lines"/ "The Southern Front" Pan across soldiers crouched in the snow examining maps. Panning ELS of mass of soldiers clad in white running toward and boarding tanks. CU of soldier closing tank hatch, cuts to MS of tank firing. Several shots of tanks firing intercut with explosions. ELS tanks loaded with soldiers rolling through field. Tracking shots of soldiers dismounting, crawling and running while crouched, using tanks for cover. ELS soldiers entering ransacked village. INT shots of soldiers using vacated houses for cover. LS German corpses. CU Soviet soldiers emptying bag of German decorations onto pile of papers. LS two Soviets unfurling found Nazi flag. Angled LS of German POWs being led through snow. Title: 01:37:57 "The success of the battle has culminated in a joyful event, On this day the Guards flag is raised over the tank crewmen" Soldiers ceremonially lined up, saluting raised flag. Tracking LS of soldiers marching with flag. Title: "End of report"

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1000649
  • , Soviet Union
  • Film
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