Goering questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial
(Munich 53) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 18, 1946. LS, people in courtroom rise as Tribunal enters, then seat themselves and trial begins. Rear views, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson questions Hermann Goering who in part of his testimony affirms his fealty to Hitler and says that until almost the very last he thought German victory possible. Goering says that probably in the beginning none of the defendants were really against Hitler ("trying to obstruct him"), but he clarifies that one has to distinguish different time periods, they were talking about almost 25 years in total, and the questions the prosecution asks are sometimes very general. He says he never relayed information to the German Volk because it would have been absolutely inappropriate in times of war to directly involve it in strategic differences within the Hitler regime. He does not want to discuss his possible resignation, because he saw himself as an officer and had to serve his country, resignation therefore was never an issue for him. Only in January 1945 did he realize that the war was lost. He says he knew that the allies did not want to negotiate with Hitler, but he thinks that Hitler himself would have, under some circumstances, if that would have given him some kind of leverage or way out.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn1002369
- Nuremberg, Germany
- Unedited.
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