Silent with Hungarian intertitles. "Teleki Pal Grof". miniszterelnok latogatast tett a Rutenfoldon es felkereste a szlovak legitamadas erte teriileteket." VS, high angle, group of dignitaries meet, handshakes, police and military in uniform. Crowd, flags waving. Pan of snow-capped mountains in the BG to group of officers and political figures standing on a rooftop or a balcony, looking out over the crowd below. Quick shot of Hungarian flag waving. Wreath draped on statue of an eagle in a public square, onlookers. MLS, through archway, several men assembled in a courtyard. MS, MCU, CU, pan civilians. CU elderly peasant woman talking to an official. MS, a man surveys damaged equipment. MS, airfield, hangar in BG, biplane in FG, several men assembled, pilot shakes hands with an unidentified political/official figure. "ATARKIIGAZITAS: Honvedeinket lelkesen fogadtak a magyar-cseh-szlovak hatarmegallapito bizottsag dontese alapjan visszacsatolt kozsegekben." MS, military officers shake hands, CU of one of the officers looking through the viewfinder of a still camera. MLS, soldiers marching wheeling bicycles beside them. MLS, official speaking, surrounded by locals, men women and children stand on the balcony with him. VS, crowd, a mix of soldiers and civilians, camera focuses on members of the audience, some WWI veterans wearing badges/medals. A uniformed soldier steps to the podium and addresses the crowd. CU, large photo on a wall of a military officer in his dress uniform, cut back to crowd and speeches. MS, men on horseback, moving toward camera. The horses are decorated with garlands. Parade, troops march down the street, flags and marching band, followed by units on bicycles, carrying their gear. Crowds of civilians line the route and wave flags. VS, countryside, region, castle in BG in one shot. VS, military officers, soldiers, banner, CU on a crucifix. Border sign, reads: "MISTNI OBEC: VERBJAZ" VS, winter, soldiers marching through knee deep snow. VS, soldier standing guard at border crossing. Soldiers marching through town on foot, civilians line their path and wave. "A KORMANYZO: Csapon, Munkacson, Beregszason es Huszton megszemlelte a Rutenfoldet felszabadito honvedcsapatokat." CU, coat of arms with two angels. Train station, military officers walk along platform. CU, officer watching train. Horthy salutes train as it leaves the station. RR station in Munkacs (sign). Horthy visits wounded in hospital. VS, military processions, civilians in traditional costume cheer for soldiers. Soldiers on horseback, bicycles and even a unit on skis. MCU, Czech and Hungarian soldiers at the border, share a drink.
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