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Anniversary of Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem

"Soviet Ukraine"- Release 33. This is a propaganda newsreel, therefore the language is pro-Stalinist. Anniversary of Sholem Aleichem, 1859-1939. Meeting, speakers, various.Itzik Fefer..CU of newspaper. Portraits on a wall, from left to right: Taras Shevchenko, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Sholem Aleichem. Workers from the capital of Soviet Ukraine celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Jewish writer Sholem Aleichem. An honored poet, David Gofshtein, addresses the audience with an interesting and lively story about the life and work of Sholem Aleichem. Sholem Aleichem's brother speaks about the writer's miserable life in tsarist Russia. Honored poet Yddish Itzik Fefer and Ukrainian poet Volodymyr Sosyura deliver moving speeches. Partial translation of narration: "The Anniversary of Sholem Aleichem has become a great means of exposure of Stalin's ideal of friendship among the peoples of the Soviet Union."

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1002661
  • , Ukraine
  • Newsreels.
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