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German educational film: African apes

This short educational film features the apes of Africa in their natural habitat. VS of gorillas interacting with each other. There is a long sequence of two gorillas fighting, and VS of gorillas climbing trees. The subject shifts from Gorillas to Baboons. VS of baboons in their natural habitat, eating, interacting, etc. There are several good shots of a mother cleaning her young and teaching a baby to climb a tree. Sequence of baboons escaping some sort of unseen danger, CU of one alerting the group and then VS of the group running away across a stream (in slow motion.) They leap through the water by hopping from rock to rock. MS, the baby is left behind, clinging to a branch mid stream, he swims to shore where his mother waits for him. From baboons the subject shifts to Long -tailed Monkeys. Again, VS of the animals in their habitat. The monkeys are fighting with the baboons, on top of a thatched-roof hut. A group of monkeys. much smaller in size than the baboons continue to taunt the baboons until they have chased them away.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1002675
  • Film
  • , Africa
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