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Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Auschwitz concentration camp at liberation. Pan of camp: row after row of barracks. Quick shot "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate. Trench with bodies, MLS then MCU of woman in the trench. MS, line of camp inmates with Soviet soldiers standing above the trenches, taking down notes. VS, inmates, an old woman and a young boy stand side by side posing for the camera. They are both very emaciated, the woman is dressed in rags with a kerchief on her head, the boy is wearing shorts. VS, CUs of piles of hair, bundles with numbers on them, MS, inmates in uniforms in sleeping barracks. Translation of Ukrainian narration: "Auschwitz...for centuries people have said 'hell', but now they say, Auschwitz."

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1002865
  • Documentary.
  • Auschwitz, Poland
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