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DPs on General Black arrive in New York

04:11:01 Gen Akin Making Presentation, Washington, DC, 1948. Maj Gen Spencer B Akin, Chief Signal Officer, presents a plaque to Dr Westmore of the Smithsonian Museum. 04:13:10 First Displaced Persons allowed to enter this country under new quota on the "General Black," New York, October 30, 1948. Several scenes of the transport "General Black" under way in New York harbor. Various scenes of DPs waving from the deck of the vessel. Atty Genl Tom Clark at pier. Clark going aboard "General Black." LS, a tug pushing the ship. Scenes on deck as gangway is set into place. Clark in BG shaking hands with different people. LS, fireboat sending spray in welcome. Statue of Liberty in BG, a ferry and railroad barge pass in FG. LS, showing bow of the "General Black" making its way up North River; in BG NY skyline.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1003064
  • Film
  • Washington, DC, United States
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