Germany Navy; World War I
Large steamships docked in Ösel. VS of cargo, including military supply wagons and cannons being loaded onto freighters/warships by German naval personnel (in uniform). Sailors in uniforrm operating hoist. Horses are also being loaded onto the ship. Sailors pose alongside the ships, smoking, walking, socializing, smiling for camera. Overhead shot, hundreds of men boarding the ships with their gear on their backs. Horses and more cargo go on with them. Tracking shot of ship leaving harbor, in the foreground the image is a teaming sea of sailors' hats on deck (viewer can only see the tops of the sailors' heads). VS of freighters, along a canal, in the BG houses are visible. As the freighters pass, they pass by a portion of a bridge that is somehow supported above the water. VS, sailors on deck as their ship heads out to sea. VS of biplanes and airships as seen from the POV of the ship's deck. Ships firing their cannons out at sea. VS, INT, sailors loading the cannons. Sailors lower tugboats into the water from their freighter, sailors fill tug boats. More shots of horses, in large wooden crates being hoisted from the tugboats onto the freighter. CU, sailors walking toward camera, smiling. More scenes of loading cargo. VS, sailors, on shore, line up in field for inspection by officers.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn1003128
- Documentary.
- , Oesel Island
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