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Archbishop von Galen leads a religious procession in Vechta, Germany

Bishop of Münster Clemens August Graf von Galen presides over an Ascension Day procession in Vechta. On-screen titles state that the Ascension Day procession serves as an opportunity to remember the war-torn history of Vechta. Further titles go on to relate that the end of thirty years war with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 did not result in the end of Vechta's occupation by Sweden. However, with the efforts of Bishop Christoph Bernhard von Galen, the town was freed from Swedish rule on the day before Ascension Day in 1654. A joyful procession ensued, which has been repeated every year since. Footage of flowering trees and a church tower. Aerial shots of the town, perhaps shot from the church tower. Several representations of Christ on the cross. A procession of men and boys in church robes accompany von Galen to the church. A large crowd (shot from above) waits outside the church for the beginning of the procession. The procession begins: young children holding flowers; large crowds of onlookers; girls in white dresses with wreaths around their heads; a man in religious robes uses his staff to push back the crowds. More parade participants, including a brass band. Bishop von Galen (presumably) is shown walking under a canopy held on poles by several men. Shots of bells pealing, more low aerial shots of the procession. Scenes of what appears to be an outdoor altar, where people are praying, including the bishop, and the little girls with the flowers in their hair. More shots of the procession, the bishop, the altar, the onlookers, etc. Clemens August Graf von Galen, who became Bishop of Münster in 1933, was one of the first Catholic clerics to take the National Socialist loyalty oath, but he soon spoke out against the racial policies of the Nazis. In 1941 he publicly denounced the Nazi euthanasia program. He was made Cardinal in 1946.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1003458
  • Film
  • Vechta, Germany
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