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Paris under German occupation

Aerial view of German military parading on a street. Camera pans along the street. Shots of a brunette woman (featured in Film ID 2720) being playful with the German in dark-rimmed glasses. Two blondes, not seen before. Rooftops of Paris and the Eiffel Tower in the distance, scenes of Germans at Versailles. Camera focuses on two German officers walking towards camera, including the officer leading the meeting in Story 4414 at the left. As the men exit the grounds of the palace, women converge on the men and attempt to hand them pieces of paper, which the men ignore. Brief scene of a checkpoint at the Arc de Triomphe. German soldiers check automobiles and let them through (same vehicle seen at Story 4408).

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1003896
  • Paris, France
  • Film
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