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German invasion of Norway

German planes fly over the mountains of Norway. Planes land at Fornebu airbase outside Oslo and German soldiers unload weapons. A German soldier stands next to a sign, "Fliegerhorst- Kdtr. Oslo Fornebu". The narration explains that a British plane has been shot down while smoke rises from a tree-covered area beyond the runway. Bf 109s pass low overhead in squadron formation. German soldiers performing various activities, including a German soldier talking on a field telephone and aiming guns toward the sky. Good shots of German sailors on the deck of a ship. Swastika painted on the foredeck of a ship. The German ship rescues the survivors of the English ship HMS Glowworm. The men are covered in oil. A man is pulled aboard and hosed off. A German ship shoots down a British bomber. Soldiers disembark in Oslo and tanks and horses are offloaded from the ship. Germans march down the street and interact with civilians. A German band plays while civilians watch. Women smile at a German soldier holding a dog.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1004386
  • Oslo, Norway
  • Film
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