Clearing war debris; military officers make plans
Copyright Holder: Eli Schaap The Allies commissioned this four part documentary from Maurits Schaap after liberation. Titles, "Zeeuwsch Vlaanderen", "Documentaire Film der Verwoesting", "De toegang tot west Z. Vlaanderen Isabellasluis". Allied vehicles move along a cleared road. The surrounding area is heavily damaged. Destroyed buildings. Men and horses work through the rubble. Possible near Breskens. Title, "Nu verrichten deze "heeren" productieve arbeid, waar zij altijd zooveel", "over spraken". Men work to clear debris, probably in Oostburg. Signs in English from the Allied Forces and in Dutch demarcating destroyed structures, including a school and a bank. Note in English outside of "Stadhuis" identifying the building as a Historic Monument. Title, "J. van Dale, de samensteller van het groot Nederlandsch woordenboek" Artist's bust of J. van Dale. Title, "Herbouw". Men work to rebuild brick walls with mortar and stone and to lay new streets with cobblestone, possibly in Aardenburg. 05:27:41 Titles, "Door een vruchtbare samenwerking van de geallieerden...", "Majoor R.S.N. Clarke Hoofd C.A. Det. 614". Major Clarke smokes a pipe and reads documents. He is assisted by a man in military uniform. Titles, "Met de nederlandsche militaire autoriteiten", "Kolonel J. van Leeuwen, Mil. Commissaris van Z. Vlaanderen". Colonel Leeuwen looks out a window. Titles, "Wordt in't Westen Schoon Schip gemaakt. De bulldozers eens bested.", "Voor het slagveld", "Staan nu in dienst van het vredeswerk en ruimen volt de oorlogsschade op", "Hoofd der opruimingswerk zaamheden Capt. S. Bresloff &", "1st Lt. M.V. Dorp". Men in front of a map on a table, discussing plans. The captain is seated. The Lieutenant stands next to him. Title, "Einde tweede deel" Maurits Schaap was in hiding in Axel near Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn1004779
- , Netherlands
- Amateur.
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