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Naomi Dallob papers

Consists of five photographs and three documents: 1) image of group of men standing in front of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) building;; 2) image of crowd of men and women gathered on a plaza, some in the background holding flags; 3) image of a building; 4) image of women helping children walk down stairs located outdoors; 5) image of two men and one woman posing in front of an exhibit display, attached to ithe mage with adhesive is typed text; 6) greeting card: photographic image of steet with portrait of man at upper left corner and hebrew text at upper right corner; 7) letter, typed text on letterhead for the "JEWISH RESTITUTION SUCCESSOR ORGANIZATION"; and 8) Report: typed text, 6 pages, "REPORT ON RHINELAND AREA." The collection is concerned with the work of Samuel Dallob, the donor's father, who worked with both the AJDC and the Jewish Restitution Successor Organization (JRSO)..

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn14104
  • Dallob, Samuel.
  • Document
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