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Kurator der wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen in Wien (AT-OeStA/AdR UWFuK Kurator)

Following the “Ostmarkgesetz,” the Nazi law of April 14, 1939 governing the administration of the Ostmark after Austria’s annexation to Nazi Germany, it was decreed on January 11, 1940 that institutions of higher learning, including the University of Vienna, are to be administered by the Reichsminister für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung. The Reichsminister appointed administrators, so-called “Kuratoren.” As of February 1, 1940, the Kurator der wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen in Vienna was responsible for the administration of the University of Vienna and the other Viennese institutions of higher learning. After the war, in July 1945, the regional offices of Kurator der wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen were abolished. (Source: online catalog of the Austrian State Archives, The collection includes records pertaining to the dismissal of Jewish professors and the hiring of replacements, confiscated literature, student matters, and other topics.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn36140
  • Jewish educators.
  • Document
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