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Meir Eldar memoirs

Consists of two memoirs, entitled "KZ Spaichingen and the march to...liberty" and "The Voyage of the Olim of the 'Biria,'" written by Meir Eldar, originally of Biala-Bielsko, Poland. In the "KZ Spaichingen" memoir, Mr. Eldar describes the forced march from the Spaichingen concentration camp to Steingaden, Germany from 17-27 April 1945. He includes articles and correspondence with historians and with other survivors of this march. In the "Voyage of the Olim" memoir, Mr. Eldar includes maps, photographs, and his memories of his illegal immigration to Palestine and the voyages of the ships Biria and Hagana, which sailed from southern France. During the voyage, from 22 June -2 July 1946, journalist I.F. Stone accompanied the passengers. Copyright Holder: Mr. Meir Eldar

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn38109
  • Eldar, Meir.
  • Palestine--Emigration and immigration.
  • Personal narratives.
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