George Feger letters
The Feger family of Vienna, Austria included brothers Jacques Leo Feger, Bernhard Feger and Norbert Feger born to Wilhelm Feger and Laura Feger (née Jolles). In 1938, the Feger family wrote to George Feger in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a possible family relation, requesting his assistance in obtaining affidavits of support for their immigration to the United States. Jacques Leo Feger was born on April 2, 1893 in Łemberg, Poland. Before the war he worked as an “engineer mechanician.” He was deported from Gurs on convoy number 18 to Auschwitz concentration camp on August 8, 1942. He died at Auschwitz concentration camp on September 3, 1942. Before the war Bernhard Feger worked as a shoe manufacturer. Norbert Feger was born in Łemberg, Poland on March 21, 1898. He worked as a barrister and married Annie Feger (née Saphir). Annie Feger was born in Vienna, Austria on September 26, 1904 and had worked as a dental surgeon. Norbert and Annie Feger appear in the collection: Home Office: Aliens Department: Intenrees Index (HO 396 / RG-59.011M). The George Feger letters consist of letters send to George Feger of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from members of the Feger family of Vienna, Austria in 1938. The letters request assistance and support in the form of affidavits for immigration from Austria. The family was unsure whether they were related to George Feger, but hoped he would assist them based on sympathy and the potential family connection.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn41597
- Jews--Persecutions--Austria--Vienna.
- Document
- Feger, Jacques.
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