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Matus collection

Contains two typewritten reports written by Sadie Rurka (Hofstein) about the state of Amsterdam Jewry in June 1945 and about the “Noddorp” emergency village for children near Rotterdam, Holland. Sadie Rurka served as a welfare officer in the Jewish Relief Unit. Also includes a report written by Dr. Fritz Leo about the conditions in the sick-bay in the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen before the liberation; the report was confirmed by eight physicians, former inmates, among them Dr. Ada Bimko (Hadassah Rosensaft). Also incldues a report written by Bertha Weingreen, welfare officer in the Jewish Relief Unit about Childrens Emergency Hospital in South Rotterdam, and a pamphlet entitled “Tale of a City,” about the German occupation of Warsaw, published by the Office of War Information.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn41840
  • Netherlands.
  • Document
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