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"Shari's Story"

Consists of one memoir, 52 pages, entitled "Shari's Story" by Charlotte Wiesner Kuna, originally of Michalovce, Czechoslovakia. In the memoir, she describes pre-war family life in Michalovce, the beginning of anti-Jewish restrictions, and the fate of many friends and family members in Michalovce. In 1944, Charlotte (known as Shari or Shandele) and her sister received identity papers with Aryan names and moved around frequently to escape the Gestapo. They were imprisoned by the Gestapo in the spring of 1945, escaped after five weeks, hiding until they were liberated. She reunited with surviving family and married Sanyi Kuna in the July 1945, immigrating to Australia in 1950. Copyright Holder: Ms. Vera Link

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn43555
  • Personal Narratives.
  • Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Slovakia--Michalovce--Personal narratives.
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