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Brian Wolfson collection

Contains two bound volumes sent to the donor's family in 1950 by Judge Michael Musmanno of Pittsburgh, PA, who had served as a judge at the Einsatzgruppen Trial (part of the subsequent Nuremberg trials) in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1948. The first volume is his concurring opinion in the case of "United States vs. Oswald Pohl,," the second is "Opinion and Judgment of the Tribunal," Case No. 9, 8 April 1948, at which Musmanno was presiding judge. Also contains two letters from Musmanno to Emanuel Wolfson, which were enclosed with each volume when mailed in 1950.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn501225
  • Musmanno, Michael Angelo.
  • War crime trials--Germany--Nuremberg.
  • Document
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