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Selected records from the Smolensk State Oblast Archives

Copyright Holder: Gosudarstvennyĭ arkhiv Smolenskoĭ oblasti Records from the Extraordinary Commission (Fond 1630), and the Planning Commission (Fond 2434) of the Committee of the Smolensk Oblast Council. Contains commissions' depositions pertaining to Nazi atrocities during the occupation (1941-1943) of the Smolensk and Velizhsk Oblasts; lists detailing destruction of houses; reports on summary executions; ill-treatment of wounded POWs by the Nazis; reports on the execution of children with connections to the partisans; reports on the torture of local residents; lists of displaced persons; lists of civilian victims of Nazi crimes; reports on organization and running of hospitals during the Nazi occupation; photocopies of photos documenting the destruction of towns by fires set by retreating Nazis; report concerning the execution of Soviet POWs by the Nazis in 1941; and protocol from the interrogation of returning Soviet POWs. Contains documents of the Chief Military Prosecutor of the Soviet Union. Contains also records related to pre-war life of the Jewish population, socio-economic situation, culture and education of the local Jewish communities, information about Jewish collective farms, census of the Jewish population etc.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn509310
  • World War, 1939-1945--Jews--Soviet Union.
  • Document
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