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American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee records

The collection consists of a document prepared by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Paris between July 18 and Aug 2, 1939. The document is titled "Ms. St-Louis passengers and their distribution" containing a list of 907 passengers. The collection also consists of reports, memos, correspondence (letters and cables), news releases, minutes of meetings, summaries, and surveys related to assisting survivors; newly liberated displaced persons in camps in Germany (e.g. Landsberg, Bergen-Belsen, Heidelberg, Bremen, etc. ), and in Austria (e.g. Neustadt, Villach, Linz, etc.); moving children to Switzerland; helping refugees (e.g. from Poland) to emigrate, repatriation issues, education of surviving children; the general situation in Germany and Austria; growing trends of antisemitism; and personnel and staff issues of the AJDC. Copyright Holder: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is the world’s leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization. The JDC was founded in 1914 to assist Jewish persons in Palestine during World War I. The Holocaust and World War II caused the JDC to ramp up its relief efforts. With the end of the war in 1945, Jewish survivors were placed into hastily created displaced persons camps throughout Europe. Along with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), the JDC helped administer these camps and provide supplies. The JDC has aided millions of Jews in more than 85 countries.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn519384
  • Emigration and immigration.
  • Document
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