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German soldiers move through Morsbach and Hornbach

With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. “Am Divisions-Gefechtsstrand in Morsbach.” Soldier on a motorcycle, camera pans to the trees and hill beyond. A car moves along a dirt road, tree-covered hills in the distance. WS of a building at the base of a hill. “Morsbach und Umgebung” Morsbach and the surrounding area. Houses at the top of a hill. “Zugang zum Divisions-Gefechtsstand.” Soldiers at the Division Command Post. Two soldiers help a man get his motorcycle started by running and pushing it from the back. A guard paces at the entrance. Cars drive. “Beim Schauertal.” Animals in a field. “Es hat wieder einmal in Morsbach geregnet.” It rains. Men ride their bikes along the road. 10:10:24 “Alt-Hornbach an der Brucke” Houses along a small river in Hornbach. “Seitenstrasse in Hornbach” side-street in Hornbach. “Posten in Hornbach,” A soldier speaks to a civilian. “Reinlichkeit ist das halbe Leben” Man cleans off the back of another man’s clothes. “Hornbach am Wasser” A bridge over the main waterway in Hornbach, soldiers talk on the side. “Ia mit Gefolge in der Widerstandslinie.” People in uniform along a dirt road. “Hornbacher Strassenbilder.” A soldier walks along the street and steps through a gate. He continues to walk towards the camera. A car drives on the street. View from a higher elevation of the town and the lake. Soldiers push a cart of supplies past a building with bundles of wrapped wire sitting outside. Horse-drawn carts move through the town. The town appears deserted aside from the soldiers. 10:13:35 "Tarnung einer leichte Feldhaubitz-Stellung bei Alt-Hornbach.” A field howlitzer camouflaged in a hill. A soldier breaks off the top of a pine tree. A soldier emerges from a building.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn555308
  • Amateur.
  • , Germany
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