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Spangenthal family papers

Ludwig Spangenthal (later Louis Spangenthal, 1916-2008) was born in Sontra, Germany to Robert (1886-1921) and Marianne (née Schönemann, 1883-1942) Spangenthal. He had one brother, Kurt (1918-1995). The family later moved to Kassel, Germany. Ludwig immigrated to the United States on board the SS Berengaria in 1936, and settled in Baltimore, Maryland with relatives. He worked at his relative’s business J. Schoeneman, Incorporated, a men’s clothing manufacturer. His brother Kurt immigrated in 1938 on board the SS Manhattan and joined Ludwig in Baltimore. Their maternal uncle Robert Schönemann (1886-1954) also immigrated to the United States in 1939. Kurt joined the United States Army in 1941. In May 1942 Marianne was deported to the Majdanek concentration camp where she likely perished. The collection primarily contains the correspondence of Ludwig and Kurt Spangenthal, who immigrated to the United States in 1936 and 1938 respectively and settled in Baltimore, with their mother Marianne Spangenthal (née Schönemann) in Kassel, Germany prior to her deportation in 1942. Also included is correspondence between Ludwig, Kurt, and Marianne and Marianne’s brother Robert Schönemann, who immigrated to the United States in 1939. There is biographical material related to Ludwig which includes his German passport, photographs, scattered notes, and identification papers mostly related to education and employment.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn557425
  • Spangenthal, Marianne, 1883-1942.
  • Document
  • Jewish families--Germany.
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