Lavoslav Schick (Šik) collection
Personal papers of Lavoslav Schick (Šik). The collection consists of several hundred of his manuscripts, articles, speeches, reports, and extensive correspondence with individuals and organizations throughout Europe. Lavoslav Schick was a prominent Zagreb lawyer, killed in the Jasenovac concentration camp. He was a Zionist, but of the kind who did not wish to actually leave for Palestine themselves, and a well-known public figure in Zagreb’s inter-war period. Zagreb’s Jewish history cannot be told without talking or examining of his work. Lavoslav Schik was Croatian Zionist, Jewish scholar, journalist and a lawyer, author of numerous articles, research studies and books dedicated to the history of Croatian and Yugoslav Jews. During the interwar period Shick served as a Vice-President of the Zagreb Jewish Community and played a key role in providing assistance to the Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany. In 1941, when the fascist Independent State of Croatia was established, Schick was among the first Jews who were imprisoned. After a short period of time he was released, only to be detained again in autumn 1941 and to be deported to the concentration camp Jasenovac where he was murdered at the beginning of 1942. Schick was a prominent person among the Croatian Jewry and the Yugoslav Zionist. He worked enthusiastically for the Zionist cause and for the preservation of knowledge about the Jewish history. He collected books on Jewish issues from all over Europe. Today, his personal library is part of the general library of the Jewish Community Zagreb. The Schick- Library includes more than 5.000 books and several hundred periodicals. Schick´s archival material-including more than 3.000 correspondences led with individuals and organizations throughout Europe-it is to be found in the archives of the National Library Zagreb. Copyright Holder: Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Archief
- us-005578-irn557893
- Manuscripts.
- Yugoslavia--Ethnic relations--History--20th century.
- Frankfurter, David, 1909-
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