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Nasielski family correspondence

Contains 12 postcards sent by various members of the Nasielski family, from the Łódź ghetto, during the German occupation of Poland during World War II. The postcards were all addressed to Dudek Nasielski, who was living in Tashkent, in Soviet Central Asia. Those who wrote to him included his parents, his sisters Ruta, Fela, his brother Scholek, and his sister and brother-in-law, Tusia and Joszef Luft. In the correspondence, various family members ask after his health and well-being, report on the illness of their mother, and that they are unable to work at that time. There are also several appeals to Dudek to send them a package from Tashkent.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn560635
  • Litzmannstadt-Getto (Łódź, Poland)
  • Postcards.
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