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Germany advances into Poland; Polish POWs

Part 3 (Reel 1): German assault troops land on river edge and advance rapidly through city streets. LS, bombed buildings explode as soldiers move forward along streets. HS, harbor. MCU, CU, heavy artillery fire. Telescopic view of area which is being shelled. LS, battleship in harbor fires directly upon port city. MS, civilians of Poland exit from shelters. Travel shot, troops and mobilized equipment move through streets and over bridges. Hitler in car rides through streets and is saluted by German soldiers. German soldiers rush forward, surround car and greet Hitler and high command. Hitler and officials move into encampment area and are served from mobile kitchens. Goering looks over map at conference table. Hitler is seated near train window as Goering and other high officials hold conference. Animated map battle positions in Poland. Cavalry and infantry troops of conquered Polish army line up, turn in their rifles and equipment. CU, rifles, machine guns, helmets all neatly stacked. VS, damaged Polish equipment. AV, area where equipment was turned over to German army. Pan, area where thousands of Polish POWs await orders from German high command. LS, Polish POWs are marched along roadway. CU, legs of marching Polish soldiers. VS, advance of German army into Poland.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn562227
  • Film
  • , Germany
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