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German rockets

Preparation for the firing of German A-4 rockets by German soldiers, shot in Germany sometime during World War II. Date unknown. Produced by AKS Film Coverage, The Directorate of Army Kinematography. Reel 1: German rocket being launched. Sign: ""Den Hoag, Centrum, Rotterdam 25, Hague Signal"". People on bicycles moving along a street. A deserted street. A black cross on a tree. Several rockets on dollies. Firing ramps being assembled by German soldiers. German trucks moving along a road, pulling trailers. Tanks containing rocket fuel. Diagram of a rocket. Rocket engine. Reel 2: Fuel tanks for rocket fuel. Diagram of a rocket. Gyrascopes; German soldier working rudders on a rocket and testing the controls. Int., dolly shot of several rockets being assembled. Several dollies. Rocket being readied for firing. Reel 3: Rockets on railroad flat cars. Rocket being placed on a trailer and moved away trom railroad tracks. German soldiers putting different parts on the rocket prior to firing. Launching device being put into place. A hose of some kind being placed on a railroad car and a fuel truck moving in beside the car. A-4 Rocket being brought into the launching site and being transferred from one truck to another. Fuel truck being fueled from the railroad car. Reel 4: German soldier directing a truck to its location. Several German soldiers adjusting a stand of some sort and lowering jacks for stability. Rocket on a trailer moved to the platform for firing and set up vertically and adjusted for firing. German fuel trucks moving along a highway. A German soldier using a sighting device to line up the rocket. German soldiers putting the last pieces of equipment on the rocket before firing. Fuel trucks moving to the rocket and fueling it. Reel 5: German soldiers fueling a rocket. A German getting rocket ready to be fired. Fueling operations. German soldier assembling an instrument. Crane moving away from rocket. A sighting device. Germans adjusting the controls on the rocket. German officers getting into an armored car. Int. CU, instruments in the car. Rocket leaving the stand and it asscending.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn562233
  • Film
  • , Germany
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