Zionist Organizations Organizacje Syjonistyczne (Sygn. 333)
Contains documentation of the Zionist parties and organizations that operated in Poland after the war. Includes organizational files, protocols of council meetings, correspondence, applications for emigration, personal files, materials for publication, bulletins, and files of regional branch offices of the following organizations: the Ichud, Ha-Noar Ha-Cijoni, WIZO-Women`s International Zionist Organization, Organization of General Zionists (Organization of General Zionists– Hitachdut Cijonim Klaliim) and Ha-Owed Ha-Cijoni, Jewish Zionist-Socialist Labor Party Poalej Syjon C.S. Hitachdut, Gordonia, Poalej Syjon – The Left Wing (the Left wing), United Jewish Labor Party Poalej Syjon (United Jewish Labor Party Poalej Syjon) and "Poalej Syjon – Ha-Szomer Ha-Cair" ("United Jewish Labor Party Poalej Syjon-Ha-Szomer Ha-Cair"), Jewish Labor Party Ha-Szomer Ha-Cair, He- Chaluc–Pionier, Dror and Borochow Jugent, Keren ha-Jesod, Keren Kajemet le-Israel, and the Jewish Makabi Sports Clubs. Copyright Holder: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
- Archief
- us-005578-irn59327
- Zionists -- Associations, institutions, etc.
- Registers.
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