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Tenenwurzel family photographs

The Tenenwurzel family photographs consists of photographs of Emanuel Tanay, Betty Tenenwurzel, Bunim Tenewurzel, Ruth Tenenwurzel, and a paternal aunt named Ruth (Olga), and a paternal grandfather’s family. The photographs were taken in Germany; Vilnius, Lithuania; and Miechów, Poland. The image of Ruth Tenenwurzel was taken in Germany immediately following the start of World War II. Bunim Tenenwurzel (1904-1943) was born in Kielce, Poland to Hershel and Khava Tenenwurzel in 1904. He married Betty Kovarsky (b. December 30, 1910) and they had two children, Emanuel Tanay (b. March 5, 1928) and Ruth (Olga). Bunium worked as a dentist and Betty was both a physician and a dentist. The family moved from Vilna, Lithuania to Miechów, Poland. In 1943, Bunim Tenenwurzel died in the Płaszów concentration camp. His son, Emanuel Tanay, survived in hiding in the Catholic monastery of Mogila in Krakow, Poland. In 1943, Betty, Ruth, and Emanuel escaped occupied Poland for Slovakia and then Hungary. They were liberated in Budapest, Hungary in January 1945. Emanuel Tanay immigrated to the United States. He became a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Wayne State University Medical School. Betty Tenenwurzel eventually married Nathan Rotenberg. She died on August 17, 1979. Emanuel Tanay died on August 5, 2014.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn593794
  • Miechów (Poland)
  • Document
  • Tanay, Emanuel, 1928-2014.
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