British family visits Germany and Czechoslovakia in 1937; Reichs exhibition; Charles Bridge; Hitler Youth
Kodak. Title: Holiday in Germany August 1937. Vacation scenes interspersed with images of a hand drawing lines on the map that correspond to various destinations. The Bates family leaves their house (in Halling, Kent). The car is lifted by crane onto the ferry at Dover. Busy street scene in Antwerp, Belgium, with bicycles, a streetcar, and ornate buildings. The next stop is Duesseldorf where the family visits what is probably the Reichsaustellung Schaffendes Volk ("Creative People" exhibition). This exhibition was open from May to October 1937. Deutsche Arbeitsfront pavilion. CU of German eagle and swastika shot from below. Marburg, Germany. The map title includes the phrase, “On the Reichsautobahn.” Panning shot all around the Karls-Platz in Eisenach, then on to market day in Cheb, Czechoslovakia (12:09), with color shots of people walking, buying flowers, etc. In Prague, a crowd of people wait for the astronomical clock to chime (also color). 12:37 (black and white) Rolling CU of a typed title says that the crucifix on the Charles Bridge was erected by the Jews of Prague in 1606 to save the life of a Jew who was arrested for refusing to bare his head when the “blessed sacrament” passed by in a procession; it is the only crucifix in the world with a Hebrew inscription. MS, crucifix. Title: Floodlighting at Prague. The Tyn Church and the Huss Memorial. Nighttime shots of church and memorial, lit by floodlights. In Domazlice, Dr. Bates films "Czech peasant scenes” in color. People walk along a road with a cow. Women in traditional dress at a market. CU of a girl in a red dress and headscarf. At Munich, the “Nazi H.Q.” is in the Koenigsplatz. (black and white) SS guards and people salute as they walk through the Ehrentempel, location of the sarcophagi of the Nazis who died in the Beer Hall Putsch. 15:04 POV front seat of the car as it drives through Walchensee. Color and black and white scenes of the family as they swim, boat, and hike. 17:08 Quick shot of men and boys in uniforms (Deutsche Arbeitsfront?) at a parade ground. (color) Locals in traditional dress. 17:42 The Bates family. Narrow streets of Landsberg and Noerdlingen. Scenes from the car as it moves through the streets of Rothenburg. 19:35 Hitler Youth parade through the town. Hohenzollern Bridge in Cologne. The Bates car exits Nazi Germany through a border gate. One of the children operates a “sand sailing” vehicle on the beach at De Panne, Belgium. The family arrives by ship back in Dover. John Vincent Bates served as an officer with the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) of England in the First World War.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn615347
- Dusseldorf, Germany
- Amateur.
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