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Schlachter family correspondence

The collection consists of letters sent by Leopold and Gertrude Schlachter in Stuttgart, Germany from 1940-1941 to their daughters Liselott and Margot Schlacter in New York. Liselott and Margot fled Germany on a Kindertransport to Glasgow, Scotland and immigrated to the United States in September 1940. There is a small amount of letters sent from other individuals, as well as Liselott’s resume and a copy of Margot’s birth certificate, both from 1939. Copyright Holder: Mr. Gary Blum Liselott Schlachter was born on 23 July 1920 in Stuttgart, Germany to Leopold (1882-1942) and Gertrude (1899-1942, née Lindauer) Schlachter. Leopold worked as a businessman in Stuttgart. Liselott and her sister Margot (1923-2009) were rescued by Leopold Ascher and sent on a Kindertransport to Glasgow, Scotland. Leopold was married to Julia Schlachter and sponsored 65 families fleeing the Nazis to immigrate to the United States. Liselott and Margot immigrated to the United States in September 1940 aboard the SS Cameronia. The sisters lived in New York and remained in contact with their parents in Stuttgart from 1940-1941. Leopold and Gertrude were deported from Stuttgart on 1 December 1941 to the Jungfernhof concentration camp in Latvia. They both perished in the camp by 1942.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn672572
  • Kindertransports (Rescue operations)--Scotland.
  • Document
  • Asher, Leopold.
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