Reichswehr training activities; von Hindenburg
Ozaphan film.Title: “Deutsche Reichswehr Manöverbilder” [German Reichswehr-Maneuver pictures.] Horse-drawn carts driven by German soldiers on a dirt road in the countryside. Title: “Marschfahigkeit aller Waffengattungen ist die Vorbedingung des Erfolges.” [Eligibility of all branches of arms is a prerequisite for success.] Soldiers marching on a dirt road. Some of them are marching with dogs, or riding bikes. Title: “Rast” [Rest] Soldiers dismount from their horses, sitting on the sides of the road in the shade under some trees. Title: “Die Gulaschkanone.” [The Goulash Cannon.] A large object under a tarp on a cart. Soldiers sit nearby on the grass. Title: “Und wieder: Marsch! Marsch!” [And again: March! March!] Germans getting up from the grass and back onto the road. (2:43) Title: “Dünne Schützenlinien. Im modernen Gefecht werden kleinste Gruppen eingesetzt.” [Thin guard lines. The smallest groups are used in modern combat.] A few soldiers walking or running in an open field. Title: “Das Maschinengewehr, - die wichtigste Waffe der Infanterie.” [The machine gun, - the main weapon of the infantry.] Reichswehr soldiers on their stomachs in a field. Others run up to them and place a machine gun between them. Together they begin setting it up to fire. Title: “Auch zur Fliegerabwehr findet das Maschinengewehr Verwendung.” [The machine gun is also used for air defense.] A soldier in a cornfield with a machine gun pointed to the sky. Nearby other soldiers are using binoculars. Title: “Minenwerfer und Artillerie dienen der Vorbereitung des Angriffs. Leichter Minenwerfer.” [Mine launchers and artillery are used to prepare for the attack. Light mine launcher.] Soldiers in a field practicing firing off a mine launcher. (4:00) Title: “Feldkanone in Feuerstellung.” [ Field cannon in firing position.] A cannon with some covering over it, with soldiers practicing loading it up and firing it. Title: “Gepanzerte Kraftwagen.” [Armored cars.] Two armored cars on a road. A soldier next to the road motions, and the others exit vehicles and stand at attention. (4:52) Title: “Gasmasken.” [Gas masks.] Soldiers on their stomachs with weapons quickly take off their helmets and put on gas masks. Title: “Meldereiter und Meldefahrer zur Befehls- und Nachrichtenübermittlung.” [Reporting rider and reporting driver for command and message transmission.] Soldiers on horseback ride by very quickly. Another on a motorbike drives by. Title: “Der Feldfernsprecher.” [The field telephone.] Soldiers practice using a phone. Soldiers in an open field sit around looking at papers. Title: “Die Manöverleitung.” [Maneuvering.] High ranking men talk. Title: “Das Ganze...halt!” [The whole ... stop!] Three soldiers play the trumpet with others nearby. The trumpeters turn in place three times while they play. (6:27) Title: “Der Oberbefehlshaber der Reichswehr, Reichspräsident von Hindenburg überzeugt sich alljährlich von dem Stande der Ausbildung des Heeres.” [The commander-in-chief of the Reichswehr, President Hindenburg, convinces himself annually of the level of training of the army.] President von Hindenburg with many medals on his uniform. "Ende"
- Archief
- us-005578-irn722285
- Film
- , Germany
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