The War Papers part 32
The War Papers part 32, met artikelen en: Daily Express, 7 januari 1944 'Britain has fighter with no propeller'. All tests passed, speed is colossal.' 'and the Germans are producing hundreds of little pilotless bombers' 'Berlin fears more big retreats. Russians take town 12 miles inside Poland' 'Poles have secret 'premier' in Poland' 'Eisenhower and Montgomery liked each other from the start' Daily Mail 17 januari 1944 'Eisenhower takes over as invasion Commander in Chief' 'Big Russian Break Through in North. 100,000 german dead in 3 weeks' 'Berlin's story of a Flying Rocket Bomb' V-raketten 'Lining up for the invasion' 'Russia's jigsaw front' 'Fifth win peak in Dawn-Dusk fight' 'Spits shot Japs out of skies' 'The lights go on in London' '1,000 tons his Sheer hide out. Stettin front door left wide open' 'All world to share petrol. Access after the war, Roosevelt'
- Collectie Butterfield
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- 11.23.52
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