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The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Cap Badge

The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa ."het embleem is bevestigd met een splitpen op een stukje stof met een Schots motief."De Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa is een infanterieregiment van het Canadese leger "During the Second World War, the Camerons served in Iceland from July 1940 until April 1941 after which they proceeded to the United Kingdom. The regiment landed in Normandy on D-Day, 6 June 1944, the only Ottawa unit to participate in Operation Overlord. It fought at Carpiquet, Buron,Falaise Gap; the pursuit across the Seine; the capture of Boulogne and Calais; and the clearing of the Scheldt Estuary. The Camerons then took up a static role on the Nijmegen Salient. Beginning in February 1945, the Camerons took part in clearing the area west of the Thine for the assault on Emmerich. The regiment was preparing the attack on Aurich and Emden when the cease fire was announced on 5 May 1945. The Camerons served as part of the occupation forces in Germany until May 1946.

  • Militaria
  • embleem
  • insigne
  • Militaria, klein
Identificatienummer van Vrijheidsmuseum
  • 2.2.1070
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