Neutrale weg, Grafwegen - B 14411
Foto van Britse soldaten die langs ruine van boerderij lopen met bord Reichsgrenze. Neutrale weg, Grafwegen. Foto gemerkt B 14411. Tekst achterop: "BRITISH TROOPS ENTER GERMANY. British troops (of the 5/7th Gordon Highlanders) pass the boundary from Holland into Germany. A very shelltorn house and barbed wire fence marks the demarcation line and a solitary sign "Reich Grenge"is the only intimation of German territory. Immediately behind is the Reichswald forest, a natural obstacle which the Germans contested strongly. Pictures show men (of the 5/7th Gordons) combing the forest. 154 Bde. 51 H.D. Between Brunk and Germany. Taken by Sgt. Silverside. 10.2.45". "Operation Veritable"
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