Yank, the Army Weekly, Continental Edition, Vol 1 no 13, Oct. 22, 1944
Yank, the Army Weekly, Continental Edition, Vol 1 no 13, Oct. 22, 1944 Down the Road... Into the Line, Siegfriedlinie. Through Liége, Luik, België. And North of Aachen, Aken, Duitsland. The Soldier Speaks: Who should be discharged first after the war? Study of Sound, psychologische rol van stilte in een frontlinie. The T/5 Colonel, over Alfred Perrott-White. Blasted Brest, foto's van bombardement. Foto-artikel Amerikaanse explosieven opruimingsdienst (''Detonator Squad''). Pinup, Burnu Acquanetta. News from Home, nieuwsrubriek. Cartoon The Sad Sack. Mail Call, postrubriek. Have You Ever Heard of Lublin? Sportrubriek. Candidates for the Federal Ballot, kandidatenlijst voor Amerikaans Congres. Losse cartoons op achterblad.
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