LGBTQ Servicewomen in the Women's Army Corps during the Second World War
Abstract: This article seeks to uncover the ways in which the Women's Army Corps fostered an LGBTQ community during the Second World War. This paper offers an analysis of how the military changed its response to female queer personnel in light of changing wartime needs and how those changes served as a foundation for treating future LGBTQ servicemen and women. The evidence offered in this article relies heavily on archived Military disciplinary files and first hand accounts from LGBTQ WAC Service Women.
- Mary Claire Phillips
- IHLIA LGBTI Heritage
- tijdschriftartikelen
Identificatienummer van IHLIA LGBTI Heritage
- dgb periodieken, map usa
- lhbtq+-veteranen
- krijgsmacht
- usa
- homoseksualiteit
- soldaten
- 1940-1950
- onderzoek
- attituden
- lhbtq+-sociale processen
- lesbische vrouwen
- tweede wereldoorlog
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