Collectie 176: Nederlandse Oost Compagnie Nederlandse Oost Compagnie (NOC) Bijkantoor/Steunpunt Kauen/Wilna
Collectie 176: Nederlandse Oost Compagnie Nederlandse Oost Compagnie (NOC) Rapporten, reisverslagen e.d.
The collection contains administrative documents, minutes of the meetings of the pedagogical council, records of the examination commission, teacher’s reports correspondence related to admission of students, personal files of students, lists of admitted students, registration books of graduation certificates, student’s behavioral conduct and progress report cards, statistical information about students ...
Copyright Holder: Vilniaus Universitetas. Biblioteka
Collectie 176: Nederlandse Oost Compagnie Nederlandse Oost Compagnie (NOC) Waka T en Landwarow
Collectie 176: Nederlandse Oost Compagnie Nederlandse Oost Compagnie (NOC) Afdeling Clearing en Transfer
Personal fonds of the activities of the famous Lithuanian composer, conductor, violinist (includes drafts of music pieces, scores of music, songs, photos, personal documents, etc.).
The personal fonds of the well-known screen and scriptwriter, and actor. In the first days of the Second World War he was able to escape to the East of the Soviet Union. He survived the Holocaust and after the war returned to Vilnius. The files of his personal fonds include drafts, scripts, personal documentation, and photos.
The personal fonds of the famous Jewish conductor Chaimas Potašinskas, a survivor of the Holocaust. The fonds consists of personal documents, photos, correspondence, programs of the conducted concerts, performances, ballets, concert posters, articles, etc.
The collection contains minutes of the gymnasium’s examination committee, high school and primary school students' behavior and progress report cards, primary school students' registration book, student applications for admission to high school and primary school, students' personal files, academic certificates and other related documentation. Personal files, applications for admission to school, and ...
The fonds of the activities and writings of the famous Jewish writer Grigorijus Kanovičius, who, age twelve, was able to escape to the East in the first days of the Second World war and thereby survived the Holocaust. In 1945 he returned to Vilnius; he graduated from Vilnius University and in 1959 published his first novel. His novels and short stories depict life in the shtetls before the war and ...
Files of the institute’s activities; regulations of the institute; lists of personnel and students; registers and protocols of exams; protocols of the teacher board’s correspondence with "Joint" organization in Warsaw concerning financing and graduation certificates of students, and correspondence with other organizations about concerts of institute students and applications to the chief of the Vilnius ...
The files of civil and criminal proceeding, courts' investigations, interrogations, accusations. The files consist of the personal information and include names of Jews. Also there is information about confiscation of the Jewish property.
USHMM RG-26.025M
Contains two booklets of Holocaust memorials, 'Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Commemoration Service, 1995' and "We Will Not Forget Them - In Memory of the Jews of Vilna (1943- 1963)." Herein Sonia Tencer (nee Smolnik) tells the story of the murder of her brother, Leib Smolknik, during the Holocaust.
Personal fonds of the activities of the Russian theatre director Viktoras Golovčineris (1955-1962), who was able to survive the Holocaust in the East of the Soviet Union. The files consist of various performances programs, photos, posters, sketches of sceneries, drafts, correspondence, letters to his wife E. Gercberg, personal documents, video material, etc. .
Collectie 176: Nederlandse Oost Compagnie Nederlandse Oost Compagnie (NOC) Stukken van algemene aard Correspondentie van M.M. Rost van Tonningen, 1942-1944.
The personal fonds of a famous Jewish writer who was hidden and adopted by a Lithuanian peasant family and survived the war. The files of the fonds consist of drafts with the author's corrections, translations of his novels into Russian, screenplays for films, personal documents, correspondence, photos. His novels are natural and precise, and are based on personal experiences and the tragic experiences ...
USHMM RG-26.012M
Vijzelstraat 32 1017 HL Amsterdam