Wounded Okinawa civilians receive frist aid. Okinawa civilians, injured during the early phases of U.S.
maart 1945
Wounded Okinawa civilians receive frist aid. Okinawa civilians, injured during the early phases of U.S. 10th Army landings on Okinawa, central Ryukyus (Loochoos) island march 31, 1945, receive first aid treatment from U.S. Army Medical Corpsmen. The one-third of the strategic island controlled by U.S. forces by March 9, 1945, assumed a semblance of peacetime order, as Okinawans harvested their crops under American supervision. Okinawa, only 375 miles (600 kms) from the Japanese home island of Kyushu, is the gateway to the East China Sea. NI 9267
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 58096
- Eerste hulp
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Burgerbevolking
- Japanners
- Medische verzorging
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