Mosquitos attack Hague (Holland) target.
Mosquitos attack Hague (Holland) target. By pin-pointing, attacking and destroying one particular building in the Hage, R.A.F. Mosquitos of the 2nd Tactical Air Force, carried out one of the most brilliant and spectacular attacks of low level precision bombing of the war. The target was a building in the Scheveningsche Weg, near its junction with Carnegie Plein near the Peace Palace. The building contained many thousands of documents, of paramount importance to the German Authorities. This building is now blackened ruined rubble, the documents destroyed. The Mosquitos were led by Wing Commander R.N. Bateson, D.S.O., D.F.C., of Washington, Sussex.The house-top level, the Mosquitos skimmed into the atttack and the leader's bombs, to use the words of one of the Mosquito pilots, "went right in at the front door". A sentry on duty at the door of the building threw away his rifle and dashed for safety. Other Mosquito pilots in the attack dropped delayed action, H.E.'s, and Incendiary bombs. One bomb fell wide of the House, and that hit a German barracks. A parade was in progress in these barracks behind the target and some sort of a game was also in progress. When the man saw the R.A.F.' planes approaching, they scattered in all directions. Affter the attack: The target building had been reduced to rubble while neighbouring buildings and houses were untouched.
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