This is the public enemy number one in Europe. These are the men who are the new enemies of their country.
augustus 1945
This is the public enemy number one in Europe. These are the men who are the new enemies of their country. While collaborators and pronazi-elements are in prison, the men who should try to get to work fool away their time. Many governments are faced with this serious problem: During the war young men learned that it was a good thing not to work, now they must start again. What can we do if they find means in the tobacco-smuggle for continuing the old lazy life that has become a crime. Identieke foto's met bijschrift: Zeedijk, voor de bevrijding.Nr. 83203 en 204
- Meyboom, Marius
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 95437
- Rookwaren
- Naoorlogse periode
- Zwarthandel
- Smokkel
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