Tartar impressed into Nazi army.
Tartar impressed into Nazi army. One of a groupof Tartars, Mongolians and Russians forced to fight in the German Army after their capture, this soldier was taken by the Americans during the opening of the offensive west of St. Lo. Nazis captured by the Americans said the men could not speak withh their fellow soldiers except through an interpreter as they did not know a word of German, French of English. The prisoners were taken in the first 10 days of the push launched July 25, 1944, in which Americann forces advanced 97 miles.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 3845
- Kaukasiërs
- Waffen-SS
- Portretten
- Duitse strijdkrachten
- Vrijwilligers
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