U.S. soldiers of Japanese descent fight Germans in Italy.
U.S. soldiers of Japanese descent fight Germans in Italy. First Sergeant Choichi Shimabykyro (left) of Eleele, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, and Second Lieutenant Lester N. Fitzhugh (right) of the Southwestern U.S. State of Texas, are pictured at a camp in Italy, where U.S. soldiers of Japanese descent distinguished themselves in the attack which forced the Germans to retreat across the Volturno River. U.S. Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark, Commanding General of the Allied Fifth Army, in a report to Henry L. Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War, said the U.S. soldiers of Japanese descent "displayed great collness under fire and used their weapons with confidence and skill. They have been eager for combat and their morale is of the highest."
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