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French soldiers round up German prisoners in Italy.

French soldiers round up German prisoners in Italy. Two French soldiers of the fifth of the Army (left) hold their submachine guns ready as they round up German captives in the town of Castelforte, on the Central Italian front, captured by the Allies on May, 1944, in the initial stage of their new offensive in Italy. A French officer in an American jeep (right) looks over the prisoners as they file past a crumbling wall. By May 18, the Allied armies had captured strategically important Cassino and had pressed the enemy back against the Adolf Hitler Line of defense fortifications, while other units captured the town of Formia on the west coast of Italy.

  • NIOD
  • Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
  • 19339
  • Franse strijdkrachten
  • Duitse strijdkrachten
  • Krijgsgevangenen
  • Arrestaties
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