AD B 2 Bevrijding The finale phase of the battle to free the approaches to the Belgian port of Antwerp began on Nov.
AD B 2 Bevrijding The finale phase of the battle to free the approaches to the Belgian port of Antwerp began on Nov. 1st. when Royal Marine Commandos landed at dawn at Westkapelle. The Western most point of the island of Walcheren. By dusk the town had been captured and a bridgehead 3,000 yards long South had been established. From this bridgehead the Commandos pushed North and South the next day along the dyke beside the sea to Domburg and Zoutelande. Gradually they knocked out the big guns which treatened the Scheldt shipping. The scene at the beach head as Royal Marine Commandos drive their amphibious fighting vehicles ashore from the landing craft.
- Algemeen Dagblad
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- 199280
- Landingen
- Britse strijdkrachten
- Gevechtshandelingen
- Offensieven
- Frontlinies
- Geallieerden
- Landingsvaartuigen
- Bevrijding
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