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Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Leer, regarding the forced sale, confiscation and restitution of Jewish owned real estate in Leer and the surrounding area, 1938-1981

Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Leer, regarding the forced sale, confiscation and restitution of Jewish owned real estate in Leer and the surrounding area, 1938-1981
 Included in the Collection:
 - Sub-Record Group Rep 01: Files from the Nazi period regarding the takeover of Jewish owned real estate, 1938-1944;
 - Sub-Record Group Rep 02: Requests from the postwar period for the restitution of or compensation for property that was confiscated or obtained by means of a forced sale, including a special file for requests from the Jewish Trust Corporation, and a file that includes lists of Jewish property from the Lands Registry (Grundbuch; this file includes a document that details the monies that were paid by the municipality for the purchase of Jewish owned land), 1946-1964 (and also includes documents from the Nazi period);
 - Sub-Record Group Rep 03: The file deals with the rehabilitation (repair) of the Jewish cemeteries in Leer and Loga, 1946-1981;
 The files include much information regarding the properties, their purchasers, and the prices that were paid for the properties;
 The material was photocopied for Yad Vashem in 2018.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • il-002798-11578567
  • Jewish communities - Germany
  • Aurich,Aurich (Aurich),Hanover,Germany
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