Regional Administration: Nistru Region (Lăpuşna, Orhei, Tighina counties)
Public access, no restrictions on access Administration of the Nistru region carried out administrative and socio-cultural management of the region. The secretary-general was appointed by the royal decree to assist the royal governer. In order to resolve the most important issues, the administration of the Dniester region contained a consultative body - the council of the region, which included permanent members and elected members. The apparatus of the administration consisted of the following departments: administrative, financial, technical, agricultural, zootechnical and veterinary, social security and health, education, mobilization departments. Administration of the Nistru region ceased to exist in 1940 Îndrumătorul Arhivei Naţionale a Republicii Moldova (partea II-a, 1918 – începutul secolului XXI, ediţia a II-a, revăzută şi completată). Chişinău, 2012: 50 Decrees and orders of the Orhei city hall; correspondence on administrative matters; statistical data on the number and composition of the population of Bessarabia; cases on consideration of petitions and complaints of the population; correspondence about lease of businesses and property owned by the city hall; reports of the departments of the administration of the Nistru region; the status reports of cities and activities of different city halls; the list of activists of the organization “Front of national rebirth”; the list of orphans of the First World war who live in Chişinău; data on revenues and expenditures of cities and counties; the budget of the Nistru region; personnel files of the employees Restrictions on use. Fair use only. Use only for scientific purposes (not for commercial use)
- Archief
- md-002886-1433_1
- Official documentation
- Personal records
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