Corpses at Ohrdruf Concentration Camp; von Papen
A series of shots of corpses in various states of decay. Atrocities; various VIP Military scenes at the compound. (LIB 5388) Ohrdruf Horrors, Ohrdruf, Germany, April 10, 1945. MLS, billets where prisoners were housed. MSs, CUs, bodies of starved victims of concentration camp. (Inmates at the camp were Russian, Polish, Belgian, and French.) MS, LS, CU, charred parts of bodies of victims who were burned to death. CUs, human skulls, burned, charred heaps of bodies. LS, pits where bodies were buried. MSs, CUs, leg of cadaver sticking out of mud in pit. MSs, CUs, bodies covered with lime stacked in shed. CUs, bodies with large pieces of flesh torn from them. INTS, billets where prisoners were housed. More detailed description: LS, one barracks. Same (longer) barracks with corpses. MS, bodies. CU, twisted bodies, some blood on ground. Closer twisted (fly on cheek). CU, skull of man, hole in neck (bullet), naked body. Crutches on ground near bodies. LS, woods, mounds of ash, bone. Rubble from fire, totally black bodies (hard to recognize). Metal support beams on top. CU burnt body. Skull/skeleton burnt. 2 skulls, one with big hole. More VCU, head burnt. MS, same fire rubble. LS, huge foundation-size mass grave (no bodies). Muddy leg coming out from bloody puddle. CU closer, with fly and pick axe on ground. MS, closer, same. Stack of limed bodies in room. CU, shoulders decayed spots. Same stack of limed bodies as above, different angle. VCU, face, mouth full of lime powder. Another angle of limed body stack. Decaying shoulder again. Same shot. View from outside "barn," can see pile of something. In barn, stool. Big canvas bags, blankets?, a few bowls. (LIB 5391) Baron von Papen at Ninth US Army, Haltern, Germany, April 11, 1945. VS, Gen. Walter H. Simpson entering and leaving headquarters. Gen is accompanied by Maj. Clarence Dodge Jr. LMSs Baron Franz von Papen, his son and son-in-law enter buildings followed by Maj. Gen. John B. Anderson, XVI Corps, and MP guards. CUs, von Papen and son and son-in-law.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn1000191
- Ohrdruf, Germany
- Unedited.
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